Variables, Constants, and Values Guide in Golang

When starting with Go, it is important to learn the fundamentals. Variables, constants, and values form the building blocks for all Go programs, allowing you to store and manipulate data as you build applications.

Mastering these concepts is essential to writing efficient, reliable, and maintainable code in Go.

I have written this guide to walk you through variables, constants, and values in Go, and provided practical examples to help you grasp these core concepts.

A variable in Go is a name that holds a value. You can think of it as a storage container where items are stored and then retrieved. Variables in Go are mutable, meaning their values can be changed whenever needed.

In Go, variables are declared using the var keyword or with the shorthand := syntax.

  1. Basic Declaration:

     var age int
     age = 30

    Here, age is declared as an integer, and its value is assigned later.

    Go requires that you specify the type if you are using the var keyword without an initial value.

  2. Declaration and Initialization:

     var name string = "Alice"

    This method declares the variable name with the type string and assigns it an initial value, "Alice".

  3. Type Inference: Go can also automatically infer the type based on the assigned value. Using our container example, it simply means you don’t have to label your container by the type of things it contains; Go can easily deduce that.

     var city = "New York" // Go infers city is a string
  4. Shorthand Declaration:
    A popular approach in Go is using the := shorthand within function declarations. This infers the type and assigns the value to a variable in one line:

     age := 30

    Please note that this is only available inside functions.

  5. Multiple Declaration:
    In Go, it is possible to declare multiple variables in one line using the var keyword or the := shorthand symbol:

     var x, y, z int = 1, 2, 3
     a, b := 3.14, "Pi"

Constants are similar to variables, except that they hold immutable values. Once you assign a value to a constant, it cannot be changed.

Think of a constant as a custom-made container designed for one specific thing and cannot be used to store anything else.

Constants are declared using the const keyword.

  1. Simple Declaration:

     const Pi = 3.14
  2. Group Declaration: Similar to variables, constants can be grouped.

     const (
         Pi    = 3.14
         Truth = true
  • Immutability: Sometimes, you may want to prevent important values from changing to ensure reliability.

  • Efficiency: The compiler can optimize constants for performance as their values never change.

Values represent the actual data assigned to or stored in variables or constants. Go has several basic data types that hold different kinds of values:

  1. Integer: Includes types like int, int8, int32, int64, as well as unsigned versions like uint, uint8, etc.

     var a int = 10
  2. Floating Point: float32 and float64 for decimal numbers.

     var b float64 = 20.5
  3. Boolean: Represents true or false.

     var c bool = true
  4. String: A sequence of characters enclosed in double-quotes.

     var d string = "Hello, Go!"

Each data type has its zero value, which is the default value assigned if a variable is declared but not explicitly initialized:

  • int0

  • float640.0

  • boolfalse

  • string"" (empty string)

Here’s a simple program that demonstrates variables, constants, and values in Go:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    const Pi = 3.14
    var radius = 5.0
    circumference := 2 * Pi * radius

    fmt.Println("Circumference:", circumference)


Circumference: 31.400000000000002

In this example, Pi is a constant that holds the value of π. radius is a variable that can change, and we use circumference to store the calculated result based on radius and Pi.

  1. Variables are mutable and can be reassigned. You can declare them using var or shorthand :=.

  2. Constants are immutable, meaning they cannot be changed once assigned, which makes them useful for values that don’t change.

  3. Values are the actual data stored in variables or constants, and Go provides various data types to represent different kinds of values.

By understanding variables, constants, and values, you’ll have a solid foundation for writing efficient and expressive Go code. These basic concepts are critical for controlling data and structuring your program effectively, helping you take the next steps towards mastering Go. Happy coding!